Friday, August 17, 2007

Rediscovering your passion

The key lies in finding a larger purpose.

In his book “The 8th Habit,” Stephen Covey narrates a powerful, true story involving an Englishman who had spent his childhood as a street urchin but had gone on to become a reasonably successful writer. At the time of the story, however, he had developed the “writer’s block.” It seemed his creativity had completely dried up. His debts were mounting. He was under tremendous pressure from the publisher to meet the deadline. He was becoming more and more depressed. He began to fear that his own children would end up on the streets.

The writer, finding it difficult to sleep, began to spend his nights walking the streets of London. He saw the poverty, the inhumane conditions of children working nights in the factories, the terrible struggle of parents trying to eke out a living for their families. Soon, he forgot his own problem. He wanted to do something that would make a difference!

He no longer felt doubt or discouragement. He didn’t worry about his own financial concerns. He returned to his writing with an energy level he had never known. The desire to contribute became his passion. He wanted to make the story quickly available and affordable to as many people as possible. His whole life had changed. He’d truly found his voice.

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