Friday, February 27, 2009

The Citi bailout

On February 27th, Citigroup and the Treasury reached a deal that took a big step towards partial nationalisation. Through conversions of preferred stock, the government will own 36% of Citi, though the final figure will depend on how many preferred shares private holders agree to swap.
As the Economist mentioned today, the latest bail-out will give the government real control of Citi. The government does not need to own a majority of the shares in a bank to wield whatever influence it likes. With somewhere near 36% of Citi, control of decision-making will be complete—if it is not already. Citi already has to clear strategic decisions with regulators.
Citi approached regulators about the conversion, worried that further losses would as the recession and housing crisis deepen. Citi will need more capital in the coming months. And its current market cap of about $ 14 billion looks really puny indeed.

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